
1. verb
(to take very small bites (of): She was nibbling (at) a biscuit.) mordisquear, picar

2. noun
(a small bite: Have a nibble of this cake.) mordisquito
nibble vb mordisquear / picar
someone has been nibbling at this cheese alguien ha estado mordisqueando este queso
El gerundio de nibble se escribe nibbling
1 (action) mordisco, mordisquito
I felt a nibble at my bait sentí como mordía el cebo
2 (piece) bocadito
just a little nibble of cheese solo un bocadito de queso
intransitive verb
1 picar
I've been nibbling all morning so I'm not hungry no tengo hambre porque he estado picando toda la mañana
someone's been nibbling at this cheese alguien ha estado picando de este queso
nibble ['nɪbəl] v, -bled ; -bling vt
: pellizcar, mordisquear, picar
nibble vi
: picar
nibble n
: mordisco m
mordisco s.m.
roedura s.f.
comisquear v.
dentellear v.
gulusmear v.
morder v.
mordiscar v.
picar v.
roer v.
rozar v.
transitive verb
a) (bite) mordisquear
b) (eat, pick at) picar*

a) (bite, gnaw)

to nibble AT/ON something — mordisquear algo

b) (eat) picar*
1. N
1) (=little bite) mordisquito m

I never had a nibble all day — (Fishing) el corcho no se movió en todo el día

2) (=food) bocado m

I feel like a nibble — me apetece comer algo, no me vendría mal un bocado

3) nibbles (at party etc) comida fsing para picar
VT [person] mordisquear, mordiscar; [fish] picar; [rat, mouse] roer; [horse] rozar

to nibble (at) — [+ food] picar

to nibble at an offer — mostrar cierto interés por una oferta

* * *
transitive verb
a) (bite) mordisquear
b) (eat, pick at) picar*

a) (bite, gnaw)

to nibble AT/ON something — mordisquear algo

b) (eat) picar*

English-spanish dictionary. 2013.

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  • Nibble — Nib ble, v. t. To bite upon something gently or cautiously; to eat a little of a thing, as by taking small bits cautiously; as, fishes nibble at the bait. [1913 Webster] Instead of returning a full answer to my book, he manifestly falls a… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • nibble — [n] morsel, bite crumb, peck, snack, soupçon, taste, tidbit; concepts 458,831 Ant. mouthful nibble [v] bite, pick at crop, eat, eat like a bird*, gnaw, munch, nip*, nosh on*, peck*, snack; concept 169 Ant. gorge …   New thesaurus

  • Nibble — Nib ble, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Nibbled}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Nibbling}.] [Cf. {Nip}.] To bite by little at a time; to seize gently with the mouth; to eat slowly or in small bits. [1913 Webster] Thy turfy mountains, where live nibbling sheep. Shak.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • nibble — ib ble, n. 1. A small or cautious bite. [1913 Webster] 2. Hence: (Fig.) An expression of interest, often tentative, as at the beginning of a sale or negotiation process. [PJC] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • nibble — ► VERB 1) take small bites out of. 2) gently bite at. 3) gradually erode. 4) show cautious interest in a project. ► NOUN 1) an instance of nibbling. 2) a small piece of food bitten off …   English terms dictionary

  • nibble — [nib′əl] vt. nibbled, nibbling [LME nebyllen, prob. akin to MLowG nibbelen: for IE base see NIP1] 1. to eat (food) with quick bites, taking only a small amount at a time, as a mouse does 2. to bite at with small, gentle bites vi. 1. to take small …   English World dictionary

  • Nibble — This article is about the information storage unit. For other uses, see Nibble (disambiguation). A character table ordered by nibbles. In computing, a nibble (often nybble or even nyble to simulate the spelling of byte) is a four bit… …   Wikipedia

  • nibble — nib|ble1 [ˈnıbəl] v [Date: 1500 1600; Origin: Perhaps from Low German nibbeln to chew bits off ] 1.) [I and T] to eat small amounts of food by taking very small bites ▪ He nibbled the biscuit cautiously. nibble at ▪ There s a fish nibbling at my… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • nibble — [[t]nɪ̱b(ə)l[/t]] nibbles, nibbling, nibbled 1) VERB If you nibble food, you eat it by biting very small pieces of it, for example because you are not very hungry. [V n] He started to nibble his biscuit... [V at/on n] She nibbled at the corner of …   English dictionary

  • Nibble — Un nibble (ou, plus rarement nybble) est, en informatique, un agrégat de 4 bits, soit un demi octet. Un nibble contenant 4 bits, il peut prendre seize (24) valeurs différentes et correspond donc à un seul chiffre hexadécimal, d où son autre… …   Wikipédia en Français

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